Thermodial recently launched a number of road safety initiatives, following the introduction of their first motorbike and owing to the growing size of their fleet.

Following a workplace road safety presentation by the Road Safety Authority (RSA), staff submitted ideas to boost road safety awareness and assist them in the unlikely event of an emergency breakdown.

1. Proactive approach to safety

Thermodial carryout a large volume of work within the canal cordon of Dublin city, which during business hours has a large volume of two-wheeler traffic. In the light of the, ‘Dublin City Centre Cycle Count report’, which showed more than 95,000 daily cyclists in this area in 2016 (up 17% on 2015), Thermodial felt it increasingly pertinent to remind road users to “think bike”, whilst manoeuvring through this densely-trafficked area.

The idea for the “think bike” label was put forward by Thermodial’s first motorcycle service engineer – who frequently travels within the busy canal cordon, along with an increasing number of cyclists.

In 2017 Thermodial achieved international standard certification for occupational health and safety through OHSAS 18001. This was a major achievement and a core part of Thermodial’s commitment to health and safety, of which safe driving is a part of, in service engineers travelling to and from customer sites.

It also achieved a wider general awareness that Thermodial and others are sharing road space with two-wheeler road vehicles.

2. Bike safety

Through the “think bike” label Thermodial are doing their bit for road safety through awareness. As a high-volume road user, Thermodial are helping towards the RSA’s strategy of reducing road deaths to 124 or fewer by 2020.

In 2017, 75% of those killed on the roads were male. As male driver’s make-up 100% of Thermodial’s road users, it was essential to highlight and promote safety amongst this at-risk group.

Current RSA figures show a downward trend of motorcycle deaths (9% decrease) – on 2016 figures – whilst bicycle deaths have increased by 40%. Thermodial wanted to play their part in keeping motorcyclist deaths on the decrease, whilst proactively raising awareness to, “think bike” to any road user behind a Thermodial vehicle.

Thermodial Think Bike! label

Thermodial’s Think Bike! label – click above to download print ready artwork

3. Emergency breakdown safety

The idea of an emergency breakdown kit was also put forward by one of Thermodial’s service engineers, owing to the increasing size of the company’s fleet. Thermodial’s vehicle fleet had grown by 30% in recent years, therefore with the increased number of vehicles and kilometres travelled, the likelihood that breakdowns would occur were increasingly likely.

With each service engineer roughly accounting for twenty thousand kilometres, Thermodial’s vehicle fleet covers over one million kilometres per annum. This in turn could lead to increased fleet wear and tear and the increasing possibility of emergency breakdowns. It is hoped that in the event of an emergency breakdown, drivers and other road users will be sufficiently warned, visible and safe.

In the event of an emergency, each vehicle user had access to essential equipment in the breakdown kit, such as:

  • a hazard warning triangle to warn other road users;
  • tow rope and booster cables, so that vehicles can be moved off the roadside;
  • foot pump with gauge, in the event of a puncture;
  • high-grip cotton gloves for maximum grip;
  • a weatherproof torch and batteries for night time use.
Thermodial service engineers with AA emergency breakdown kit

Thermodial service engineers with AA emergency breakdown kit