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About the role – apprentice

Thermodial engineers inspect a chiller

Electrical, plumbing and refrigeration and air conditioning apprentices are currently being recruited by Thermodial.

This apprentice video series will display more about the role of a Thermodial apprentice.

Across the four videos in the series, Thermodial apprentices show how they assist service engineers in testing and checking electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, BEMS (building energy management systems) and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems.

All four apprentices will go on to become HVAC service engineers, once their apprenticeships have been completed. Additional training in areas of gas safety and F-Gas, will be provided by Thermodial, enabling each apprentice to reach their full potential.

While in training, apprentices will blend on-the-job shadowing and learning from HVAC Service Engineers, with off-the-job college phases, as dictated by Solas (state education agency). Apprentices will also be regularly mentored and supported by Thermodial’s Apprentice Supervisor, to ensure each apprentice is progressing, learning and growing in the role.

1. Electrical apprentice – Dylan

Electrical apprentice, Dylan, shows a typical service task of a Thermodial third year apprentice. Dylan displays use of electrical, BEMS and plumbing trades during this service task.

Dylan is not only training to become an electrician, he is also learning about BEMS and plumbing systems to become an all-round service engineer.

2. Electrical apprentice – Tadhg

Electrical apprentice, Tadhg, shows a typical service task of a Thermodial first year apprentice. Tadhg displays use of electrical and HVAC trades during this service task.

Tadhg is not only training to become an electrician, he is also learning about heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to become an all-round service engineer.

3. Plumbing apprentice – Evan

Plumbing apprentice, Evan, shows a typical service task of a Thermodial second year apprentice. Evan displays use of plumbing and HVAC trades during this service task.

Evan is not only training to become a plumber, he is also learning about heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to become an all-round service engineer.

4. Electrical apprentice – Jamie

Electrical apprentice, Jamie, shows a typical service task of a Thermodial first year apprentice. Jamie displays use of electrical and air conditioning trades during this service task.

Jamie is not only training to become an electrician, he is also learning about heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to become an all-round service engineer.

When a Thermodial apprentice completes their apprenticeship, they graduate to become a service engineer. Thereafter, they have the opportunity, performance dependant, to progress through the ranks to become a senior service engineer, safety representative, apprentice supervisor, technical support manager and contracts manager or change tack to become a BEMS engineer.

Join Thermodial for an apprenticeship where you will learn new things, use fault finding skills and gain experience on different systems.

More about HVAC service engineer careers

If you are interested in learning more about the service engineer role, two Thermodial service engineers give their view on what’s involved in the role and how Thermodial provide support.

Will McDonnell has the perspective of joining Thermodial as an apprentice and serving his entire apprenticeship with Thermodial; while Andy Reynolds joined as a qualified electrician who had experience with different electrical contractors.

Will outlines what it takes to become a multi-skilled service engineer, what a typical day or week looks like, how Thermodial provides support, what skills are required and some advice for those thinking of taking up the service engineer role.

Andy discusses joining Thermodial as an electrician, the vital role of the service engineer, helpful support from colleagues, the training and benefits received, the work environment, skills learnt and advice he’d give to himself if he was starting out with Thermodial again.

Andy - about the Thermodial service engineer role

Will - about the Thermodial service engineer role


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