Apr 26, 2016 | Energy saving, Heating, HVAC
Upon a recent analysis of heat energy usage data at a commercial premises, it was found that performing a HVAC upgrade could result in a 58% annual saving on heating costs. The substantial savings could be made by switching from an existing non-condensing oil boiler...
Aug 17, 2015 | Energy saving, Heating, Tips, Video
This instructional how-to video displays a heating issue encountered in a commercial building’s HVAC (heating, ventilation and conditioning system. The video displays the more cost and energy efficient way of generating hot water, in periods when heating is not...
Nov 5, 2012 | Energy saving, Health and safety, Heating, HVAC, Tips
Ensure your building or work environment gets the protection it needs over the winter months. Below are ten of our top tips from observations and knowledge accrued over the years to help protect the services within your building. If you need any additional...